The Warrior’s Path

 Long forgotten are the Warriors of Spirit!

Modern spirituality mostly focuses on developing a peaceful disposition of equanimity and kindness, expressing as a soft and overly flexible demeanor. This disposition is nice to cultivate, but it is not the only way when it comes to actualizing one’s essential nature. For thousands of years, there was a type of spiritual cultivation based on warriorship that may actually have been the original spiritual path.

The Way of the Warrior is a spiritual path that isn’t only for professional soldiers. In the ancient worldview a certain percentage of all people were born with the inherent aptitude and fate for “warriorship”. Warriors cultivate the experience of Buddhahood or Natural Presence through a specific set of principles, as well as martial and meditative practices. There is also a special emphasis on integrating Natural Presence with each moment through the virtues of impeccable conduct, selfless heroism and clarity of mind that can express as cutting directedness or sensitive flexibility in any given moment. 

We must cultivate a path and practice that suits our inborn aptitudes and natural personality display. The teachings say that between 10 – 20% of the population are born warriors. Therefore 10 - 20% of spiritual practitioners would benefit from adding aspects of warrior view and practice to their path. After learning more about the Warrior’s Path, some practitioners may even choose to dive directly into the Way of the Warrior as their main Way of practice. 



These classes will give an overview of the View, Principles, Methods and Fruit of spiritual Warriorship.

If you are curious about the relationship between warriorship and spirituality, then this course is a great starting point to help your exploration.

If you sense a natural attraction to the Way of the Warrior for purposes of spiritual cultivation, then this course will serve as formal entry into the Way of the Warrior as taught by Dharma Bodhi.  



April 8, June 10 & September 9 (2025)


Tuesdays, 9am-11am (Maine, USA Time)

* Recordings will be available in our community platform if you are unable to attend live. 



$158 / 3 classes (6 hours total)

Enroll Now

About the Teacher

Dharma Bodhi (Kol Martens)

Dharma Bodhi began practicing yoga at seven years of age. In his teens he moved into practices of Chan Buddhism and Daoism received through his Chinese martial arts teachers in New York. After completing his chiropractic degree he studied in an Oral-Practice Tradition of Non-Dual Śaiva Tantra, taking initiation into one of the Daśnami Orders of practice from India. In 1996 he complete ācārya training under his Śaiva gurus. This training emphasized traditional Kundalinī Hatha Yoga and a progressive system of Meditation, along supportive studies in ritual/pūjā and yoga texts. Since graduating as a Śaiva ācārya, he took refuge with a great master of Bönpo Dzogchen meditation, and studied with him by taking multiple trips per year to his monastery in India for a period of 8 years.  He studies both Dzogchen meditation & yoga (trul khor), and Dzogchen preliminary and advanced texts. Both his Śaiva and Dzogchen masters gave him the task of teaching these systems stripped of the unnecessary aspects of the cultures and languages they are found in. His Dzogchen master also gave him the task of translating two Tibetan texts. One of which is finished and the other is in process. He now lives with his wife, Sahaja Dakinī, and their two children in rural Maine, USA. He is developing a practice hermitage in the wilderness of Maine and a European teaching center on the border of Italy and Switzerland.